
Privatization offers one sure result

As you read this American story, consider how BC Liberals aim to privatize health services to corporations who will put profit before people.

Exclusive: Temp Firms a Magnet for Unfit Nurses

By Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein

Firms that supply temporary nurses to the nation’s hospitals are taking perilous shortcuts in their screening and supervision, sometimes putting seriously ill patients in the hands of incompetent or impaired caregivers. Emboldened by a chronic nursing shortage and scant regulation, the firms vie for their share of a free-wheeling, $4-billion industry. Some have become havens for nurses who hopscotch from place to place to avoid the consequences of their misconduct. (This story will be co-published with the Los Angeles Times on Dec. 6, 2009.)
Read the story.
See ProPublica’s complete coverage of this issue.

Categories: Health, Privatization

1 reply »

  1. it was announced that BC had won 4 awards for public/private partnerships. I clicked on the link to and checked out who they were. Honourary chair? None other than Gordon Campbell. The Public/Non Profit Membership, even more interesting. It is a clear roadmap to what is up for privatisation here. Go check for yourself. Is that not a conflict of interest on GC's part?


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