Hard for First Nations to get out the real story

Jon McComb, doing the morning show on CKNW today, had this to say about Attawapiskat:

“The housing crisis that has plagued her [Chief Spence] remote reserve of about 1,900 people has been in and out of the headlines for months. The federal government says that since 2006, they’ve spent $131 million on the reserve but the band refuses to release detailed financial records to residents or the media as to where all the money’s been spent…”

My Tweet to McComb:

@jonmccomb980 U said on CKNW that Attawapiskat people refuse to release financial stmnts. What R these?

McComb, true to his reputation as a straight shooter, responded,

“@Norm_Farrell Clearly I was ill-informed. Thanks for pointing out the error. Mea Culpa. @CKNW”

Jon McComb is a skilled broadcaster who aims to uncover all sides of a story so I’m not surprised that he said mea culpa. Unfortunately, he can’t take back the words and thousands of people will have prejudices reinforced.

Postmedia’s National Post brought us the unveiled racism of Christy Blatchford, the idiot who suggested hunger striker Theresa Spence was committing an act of terrorism. Yet National Post also published The real math behind Attawapiskat’s $90 million, despite their confusion over who wrote the material. (It was Chelsea Vowel of âpihtawikosisân ) Please read through Ms. Vowel’s explanation.

Update: I asked CKNW programming how this misinformation was to be corrected. Stay tuned.

Categories: CKNW, Indigenous

8 replies »

  1. With all due respect — I think your comment about Christine Blatchford is harsh and uncalled for.

    Even your blog laments and takes the main stream media to task from time to time for not having investigative journalists.

    I am of the opinion Christy is an investigative journalist and I invite you to read her book HELPLESS dealing with the crisis in Caledonia.

    If necessary, I can provide you with a copy.

    Thank you.


  2. I will give him a pass on this one because he owned up to the mistake, albeit after his broadcast shift was done. I didn't listen to the station after McComb because it was 6.5 hours of apologists for BC Liberals. I asked the station to indicate how they would correct the error; they didn't respond. Therefore, I filed a formal complaint with the CRTC.


  3. Good catch Norm.
    Just as troubling is where did they get the ill-information and do they not verify before publishing?

    Yes, McComb has a good reputation but his credibility took a hit with this.



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