BC Liberals

They should have paid attention two years ago

News item, November 19, 2013:

“The B.C. government is disbanding its controversial Pacific Carbon Trust…”

Yeah, they should have paid attention to us, the humble nincompoops blogging in underwear, or to the Auditor General, members of the Official Opposition or others who knew this was another poorly conceived and incompetently managed boondoggle.

Again, we see that the party of big business is not capable of running any business.

My previous comments on the PCT can be found by scrolling through the articles linked here.

Categories: BC Liberals

10 replies »

  1. Hmm. I was planning on getting carbon credits for not cutting trees down in my neighbour's back yard. I hope this change doesn't cause a problem.


  2. I wish I could find some consolation in what my in-laws just said……..”Say, didn't motorcycleguy show us something about this that some guy he knows wrote a long time ago?”….but I can't because they still voted the bastards in…..I feel it is my fault for not relaying the credibility of my source properly. Do I have to return the baksheesh because of my poor performance?


  3. I note that MMBC have decided on a tiny charge on the biggest purveyors of material that has to be recycled, the newspapers, particularly free community papers who dump millions of pounds of mostly advertising on doorsteps whether desired or not. The charge for newsprint is suggested at 20 cents a kg. By comparison, I paid 40 cents for a 12.5 gram electronic device that I expect to use for years. That's 160 times the rate assessed Glacier Media and Black Press for stuff they deliver despite my requests it stop.


  4. The twin to this nonsense is just arriving on the scene….MMBC ( Multi-Materials B.C.). The corporate sector's takeover of recycling in the province will cost we peons again. Mackin has done good work on this, but as usual, no one's listening.


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