

An old item, published January 30, 2013 and updated in March with an audio clip from The Bill Good Show on CKNW. Brought to the top again in October 2013. This one is an all-time favourite and after reviewing NW’s April 2 segment, with the estimable Sandy Garossino replacing Ms. Kurl, this should be brought forward again. I could have written a new piece with new examples of falsities, but this will suffice.

Don’t miss the later article, Pundit, partisan, or? Enjoy:

19d84-billgoodpamelamartinMonday, in Something Big, Out of Something Small…, Alex Tsakumis mentioned a fact obvious to anyone paying attention, that Bill Good and his CKNW show are dependable instruments playing in the BC Liberal band:

At the end of this morning’s ‘Bill Good Show’, the Vanilla One and producer Jennifer Gares, huffed and puffed about accusations that they take set calls by BC Liberal sycophants and plants by operatives.

Good and his radio friends don’t enjoy being taken to task. Luckily, it’s not something that comes up often when you choose the guests and the callers and use a tape delay and kill switch to maintain your own dignity. Of course, ladies and gentleman of the corporate media don’t have a kill switch on blogs, something they obviously regret.

It was on Bill Good’s show that pundit Vaughn Palmer described his attitude toward bloggers he described as nut cases,

Nincompoops ranting in their underpants is the term for people blogging, for me.

Two days after AGT found fault with NW’s morning show, the host was still annoyed. Bill Good chose a segment to defend himself that ensured his defence had zero credibility and reinforced Tsakumis’ description of him as “breathtakingly foolhardy.”

Playing tag team with three guests, each appropriately described as a BC Liberal insider, just wasn’t the correct moment to claim your show is not loaded with bias in favour of the party it is accused of serving so faithfully.

Let Bill and friends speak for themselves (the short audio clip portrays a bit of their emotion):

CKNW’S Bill Good, January 30, 10 am hour:

[Producer] Jessica [Gares] and I have been, ah, oh, under attack, small attack, small people, small minds, I think, accusing us of, um, taking stacked calls. In this case, that particularly either favour the Liberal Party, or are deliberately hateful towards the NDP. And I try to. First of all, I say, what’s a stacked call, or what’s a planted call?

Bridgitte Anderson, Alise Mills, Shachi Kurl  in unison:


Mr. Good:

…Um, I’m not sure what a stacked phone call is…

You know what I would say has changed? Not so much social media itself, like Twitter and Facebook. Blogs! The blogosphere! Because there are some that just propagate toxic waste, poison, and they make crap up!


Mumble, mumble.

Bridgitte Anderson, former Press Secretary to BC Liberal Premier Gordon Campbell:

…Some of the blogs out there are horrendous, the kinds of things that they say about people that are simply not true. But, then they get repeated and so it’s that viral effect online. I would love to see if there is some sort of, I don’t know, check and balance system, I don’t know how you do that but honestly, people are starting rumours that are no basis of fact on blogs. They’re just horrible.

Alise Mills, BC Liberal  Conservative Party  lobbyist strategist commentator:

I don’t know how they do that, I don’t know how they do that knowing you have a family or that you have a profession or that you’ve worked sooo hard in your life and, those, I knew this conversation was coming up and I looked at some of the blogs and they’re just garbage.

They’re absolute garbage. I mean the National Inquirer is a better publication than half those blogs out there, in political life in BC.

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