19 replies »

  1. I say thank you to all the readers and contributors here. It is the response to my work that makes it worthwhile. That and the hope that we can create a better society for all through dialogue and knowledge.


  2. So nice to see some talent. I won't go beyond that after seeing clips of others at the AMAs. Good luck in getting ducats for her tour. I'm going through hell trying to get some to see the Boss in TO. What a ripoff by the resellers. Only live once is my justification.


  3. Thank you Norm, for ending the year on a high note. Adele is a true master of the craft.

    There is an interpretive dancer in the family who has performed to various Adele pieces and the combination brings shivers…

    Thank you for doing the heavy lifting, day in and day out.
    Thank you for the numbers.
    Thank you for the In Sights.

    Merry Christmas to you, SWMBO, the dedicated teachers you reared and the grandchildren.

    Happy 2016 and beyond Norm.



  4. Saw the special on t.v. this evening, from New York. Simply amazing. I heard her when she first came onto the market in North American and she certainly had a good set of pipes.

    The special they did from England, last month, wasn't as good, mainly because it was an interview with singing. The American concert was just amazing and showed her more the star she is than the British program.


  5. Hoping the producers of our time take notice that talent transcends divas and always will. We need this, actually since the death of John Lennon.
    Very comforting!


  6. A comment in Salon: “Adele bucked every current trend in the music industry.”

    That is one thing about her that I like. I too hadn't noticed until you linked to her videos back in 2011.


  7. Hi Norm, you probably know about this, but just in case you don't… the DVD “Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall”.

    It's the only DVD I will want to own. Watched it last night. Incredible. Such talent, but also she's such a real deal, and it's clear that people see that. Don't miss this concert DVD.


  8. Hey Norm.
    I've been listening to Adele for a few months now and just love “Set Fire to the Rain”.
    Have a Happy New Year Norm.

    Guy in Victoria


  9. Thanks a million Norm! Thanks to you She Who Must Obeyed and I discovered Adele 5 minutes ago.
    What an absolutely incredible woman!
    I was counting the glasses in the Video but lost count. Anyone know how many there were?
    Wishing you a HEALTHY 2012 Norm, and the rest will follow!

    Gary L.


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