4 replies »

  1. loved the “picture”. sort of sounds like the federal Cons and the Cons in Ontario carrying on like banshees, we’re being “invaded”, we want $200M, the refugees are coming in “waves”…………all those good evangelicals are such liars……


  2. There is a backlash coming for the likes of Trump, Putin, Kim un Jung. Locally, BC voters have learned of the deceit and untruths of the BC Liberal’s: Christy Clark, Rich Coleman and Andrew Wilkinson and they have become the new Icons of Lies.

    Notice that a (silent majority) fellow took a pic-axe to Trump’s Star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame yesterday. Trump may have 25% support but that means he has 75% nonsupport. Trump has made his nation angry, violent and allow the ability to carry guns with ease.
    Trump is mentally ill.
    As Putin took Trump for a walk on a dog leash while in Europe, Putin pubilcally urinated on Trump. (shameful lies and secrecy) … a new form of the Golden Rule that Russia holds over Trump with a smile.

    Now, consider the lies within B.C. Hydro accounting, Mt. Polley unaccountability, Site C Dam inaccuracy and the breaking of West Moresby First Nation treaty agreements.

    John Horgan are you listening … or is it that you just “can’t handle the truth?”


  3. Trump, et al. The names of several provincial politicians come easily to mind, thought it’s pretty difficult to trump Trump in the boorish, anti-social behaviour category.


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