8 replies »

  1. Wow!
    Very inspiring.
    I’m just worried you’ll have to devote too much time on the electorate’s issues and leave us anonymous,whiners hanging.
    I wish you the best..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. We live, vote, in the City of North Vancouver Norman. Are there Trustee candidates here, that you would like us to support?

    The North Vancouver Board of Education is composed of seven elected trustees. The electors of the District of North Vancouver elect four trustees of the Board of Education and the electors of the City of North Vancouver elect three trustees. – https://www.sd44.ca/Board/schooltrusteeelections2018/Pages/default.aspx


    • I will reserve comment on that until we see who is nominated for the three CNV positions. I don’t know which City incumbents will be standing for reelection but I believe Cyndi Gerlach is the only one of four DNV incumbents running in 2018.


  3. They would be fortunate to have you on side. Have to admit would prefer you ran for MLA and show them what integrity and common sense brains are. Behind you all the way even if not able to vote for you. All the Best!


  4. Hello Norm….we’re behind you. Refreshing to have truth and knowledge running for office. You are proof hope is still out there. Now if we can only see a positive federal change in 2019;;;;

    All the very best Norm Farrell.



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