Blog Business

Returning soon

April 2019 marked the tenth birthday of this online site. I say thank you to regular readers who participate with comments and make these sections interesting and informative.

Special thanks are due the readers who provide financial support. Without it, In-Sights would not exist today.

I had planned to celebrate the anniversary with a recap of the website’s best and worst offerings over the past decade. However, a health issue presented itself a while ago and slowed my activity. But, that should be resolved soon and regular output resumed.

Categories: Blog Business

12 replies »

  1. Wishing the very Best for you and yours. Take care of yourself for a change. Like Lew, I am feeling the effects of age also. C’est la vie eh?
    Hope some good solid Laughter finds you each and every day. All the Best..


  2. Look forward to future articles. In the meantime we will all be thinking of you. All the best to you and your family. Take care and love from all.


  3. Hoping for a fast and long-lasting healing for you Norm…you are one journalist that BC can’t afford to lose for any great length of time. Yes. You are that important to those of us wanting to know truth. Get well.soon!!


  4. Best wishes for a speedy and lasting recovery Norm. Your site is an important source of accurate and well researched information for many. Thank you for your hard work and…the insights.

    I suspect that many of us of a certain age are experiencing first hand the adage about old age not coming alone. I’m off for a scary test myself this morning, and in that regard had a laugh at this:

    Morag McMurtrie was getting on in years and she was visiting one of her elderly relatives in Glasgow’s Royal Infirmary. She hadn’t been in a hospital for several years and felt very ignorant about all the new technology. A technician followed her onto the lift, wheeling a large, intimidating looking machine with tubes and wires and dials. Being a typical, friendly, talkative Glaswegian, she remarked to the technician, “I would hate to be hooked up to that thing.” “Aye, so would I,” replied the technician. “It’s a floor-cleaning machine.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All the best for a speedy recovery Norm. Your blog has been a great source of facts and truth in a cesspool of misinformation. Looking forward to more of your entries on this site.

    Liked by 2 people

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