6 replies »

  1. It is very sad that we only hear the truth from comedians today. George is gone but there are others like Jimmy Dore and Andrew Schulz.


    • Profanity is a poor substitute for wit, used by people who don’t know the difference and lack the latter … but I have to agree with you in this case.


  2. You got that right, George!
    Now Canada, change the video to Trudeau
    & Morneau and company; Russians, you can replace it with Putin; China, your “government”
    heads; etc, etc, etc.
    Until the the ordinary Joes and Janes realize that a unified movement is all that will bring a halt to what’s happening, the rape will continue, much to the benefit of the makers of Prep h.


    • No, not just Trudeau and Morneau, but also a long line of predecessors and successors and opposition. Likewise in Russia, China, and anywhere else.

      We’ll never fix it, but we can make it better.


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