Category: Pavco

"Prudent management of your tax dollars"

The 2009 BC Liberal platform makes broad promises and one of them provides the title for this piece. Their platform offers this additional reassurance:
“. . . expenditures, backed up by a detailed business plan for every ministry. But our record shows that we have the competent team and credible plan to get it right.” Does that give you confidence tax dollars will be managed prudently? Perhaps we should examine BC Liberal announcements for one ongoing mega-project, BC Place Stadium.

Failing upward

In the five years 2009-2013, B.C. Pavilion Corporation, the provincial operator of BC Place and the Vancouver Convention Centre, accumulated deficits totaling $234,178,000 before public contributions (Source: Pavco audited financial statements). During […]

NOT for the people

In an 1830 speech, Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster said that government should be “Made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people.” British Columbia’s present ruling political class […]