Category: USA

Despicable bedfellows

Professor Robert Reich is a public affairs commentator published in a broad range of forums. His Substack platform is always worth reading. A recent entry argues that that under Elon Musk, Twitter has fully embraced the political right. As evidence, Reich offers the robber baron’s lovefest with book-banning culture warrior Ron DeSantis.

Republican’s genius strategy

History Professor Alfred McCoy produced The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia in 1972. The CIA interfered with the book’s publication but its condemnation of American complicity in the drug trade is accepted as accurate and reliable. Dr. McCoy appeared with Jeremy Scahill on the March 7 edition of Intercepted Podcast. I found their wide ranging discussion informative, shocking and alarming…

Hero – redefined

Bravery and drone pilots, Glenn Greenwald,, July 10, 2012 “The Pentagon is considering awarding a Distinguished Warfare Medal to drone pilots who work on military bases often far removed from the […]