Category: Blog Business

Changed expectations

After BC voters told Christy Clark to find a more suitable occupation, I planned to transition from blathering about politics to writing about travel and dining. I opened a site called Notable Discoveries and expected to let IN-SIGHTS go idle. That didn’t happen. COVID, inflation and health issues ensured that outside activities were limited. At the new website, I might have been writing about ways of poaching eggs on a hotplate…

Help IN-SIGHTS continue

Reader help is needed and much appreciated. When supporting news and information web pages, please consider IN-SIGHTS.CA. After 14 years, survival of this advertising-free site is at risk. Reader contributions are needed to offset internet, computer, and research charges, site hosting costs, and subscriptions to numerous news sites in North America and Europe. Any amount is appreciated.

Please support In-Sights

Reader support enables analyses of public issues at IN-SIGHTS and keeps online almost 3,000 articles published since 2009. This is not a profit-making enterprise but is intended to encourage thoughtful examination of subjects that matter. Contributions help defray site hosting fees, computer expenses, internet costs, a myriad of worthwhile subscriptions, and various research costs.

Returning soon

April 2019 marked the tenth birthday of this online site. I say thank you to regular readers who participate with comments and make these sections interesting and informative. Special thanks are due the readers who provide financial support. Without it, In-Sights would not exist today.

Blog business

Thanks to readers who already provide financial support. Assistance defrays costs for research, computer equipment, internet and website maintenance. Readers enable me to deliver fact-based analyses of public issues. My entire work is funded by private citizens. If you can help, choose any amount, large or small.

To supporters of In-Sights

The prospect of lost power and influence has financial elites gathering money to conduct unprecedented misinformation campaigns. They will be assisted by a dependent corporate media that has grown too close and comfortable with the few people making political policy in our province. For example, as I’ve pointed out repeatedly, resource industries gained billions through subsidies and tax reductions and they are willing to spend heavily to maintain those benefits. In the transition period, it will be important for citizens to ensure that all points of view are heard and evaluated, not just the views of special interests.

Where I’ve been and where I’m going

Partly by necessity, partly by need to address other matters, my focus has not recently involved In-Sights or social media. However, I am again ready to write regularly on BC politics. You will see further examinations of the asset stripping work of Liberals as they seek another term to finish hollowing out British Columbia’s economy.

Returning soon

I’ve been absent from the blog world for a few weeks and regular readers deserve an explanation. First, I’ll describe what started this one person blogging effort more than four years ago. […]

Back soon

I have been investigating public health services up close and personal but expect to be heading home soon after a sojourn at Lions Gate Hospital. Blogging wll resume next week. Indeed, I […]