Blog Business

Help IN-SIGHTS continue

In the last year, I have been convinced that we cannot leave climate-saving actions to future generations. Time is running out. While I continue writing, this and energy matters will be frequent subjects.

Please consider support for IN-SIGHTS.CA. After almost 15 years, survival of this advertising-free site is at risk without assistance from readers. Contributions only partially offset research and site costs.

E-transfer may be the best way to contribute. You don’t share financial information with the recipient and the transfer is immediate and very low cost. Here’s how to send money by Interac e-Transfer.

To send, follow the easy-to-use instructions on screen:

  1. Log into your online or mobile banking app, choose transfers and select the account you wish to use.
  2. Choose or add Norman Farrell to your contacts, using the email address: NRF@IN-SIGHTS.CA
  3. Enter the amount.

You could also forward a cheque to:

  • Norman Farrell, INSIGHTS.CA, 1261 Seymour Blvd., North Vancouver, BC V7J 2J7

If you prefer to use a credit card, PAYPAL transfers money quickly and charges the recipient a fee of about 3 percent.

Categories: Blog Business

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