Climate Change

Goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement may be unreachable

The UK’s Royal Meteorological Society wrote about the deadly heatwave that affected western North America in 2021. An underlying message was to prepare for more disasters like the destruction of Lytton, BC. This might happen even if governments get truly serious about climate change, an unlikely scenario even as death and destruction mounts.

Record-breaking heat in Canada

This month’s Hawaiian wildfires are among the deadliest in U.S. history.

Today, a Canadian town is threatened. Yellowknife residents have been ordered to begin evacuating the city immediately as wildfires approach.

NASA states that wildfires, whether caused by lightning or human activities, are burning longer and more often as the world warms. While 2023 is bad, a negative trend had already been established.

The Climate Reality Project founded by Al Gore discusses feedback loops,

Research simulations show tipping points and positive feedback are destabilizing the climate at a faster rate than believed before now.

A few months ago, New York Times climate reporter Brad Plumer wrote about a new I.P.C.C. report and its bleak warnings. This almost 200 page publication will be given lip service and then put away and largely ignored, like countless other papers by respected climate scientists. When urgent action is needed, political and business leaders give us hollow promises and greenwashing instead.

British Columbia specializes in empty promises. Alberta and Saskatchewan don’t bother. Instead their hardcore climate change deniers mindlessly repeat industry talking points.

If I seem pessimistic, it’s only because I am. Entrenched financial interests in this and other developed nations are unlikely to commit unreservedly to needed changes. Banks and other capital holders invariably put self-interest before the public interest.

Despite warnings of scientists, global fossil-fuel emissions set records last year, Goals agreed to in the 2015 Paris Agreement are becoming unreachable.  

“Without a radical shift away from fossil fuels over the next few years, the world is certain to blow past the 1.5 C goal.” said Ani Dasgupta, president of the World Resources Institute, an environmental group. “The I.P.C.C. makes plain that continuing to build new unabated fossil fuel power plants would seal that fate,” he added, using the abbreviation for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Climate Change Is Speeding Toward Catastrophe

5 replies »

  1. Speaking of feedback loops, one pernicious type is the one created when politicians retire or are voted out of office and with unseemly speed take up corporate responsibilities as board members or senior advisors. With coal extraction companies for instance.

    Lifelong politicians are not sought after by corporations for their knowledge or skills related to the core operational functions of the corporation. They are sought because their knowledge of the machinery of government and their contacts within and without are valuable for piercing or evading regulatory bureaucracy, advising where and when to deploy lobbyists, and unlocking skeleton closets. Not to mention grooming the next crop of converts to ensure the looping continues.

    Of course, there is another school of thought that posits they are not sought after they retire or are booted out, but before. And the appointments subsequently made are related to services previously rendered.

    Either way, a loop is a loop.


    • We know that John Horgan barely waited a moment to join BC’s largest coal producer. One of his most powerful bureaucrats found a soft landing spot as well. Tweeted by Seth Klein, August 18:

      So, Don Wright, Deputy Minister to Premier Horgan and former head of the BC public service, as now registered as a lobbyist for Woodfibre LNG (via Global Public Affairs). Very nice. That didn’t take long.


  2. Sorry Norm, not “may be unreachable, rather are unreachable.

    We have crossed the Rubicon with climate change and now are in free fall.


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