Blog Business

Where I’ve been and where I’m going


Partly by necessity, partly by need to address other matters, my focus has not recently involved In-Sights or social media. However, I am again ready to post regularly on BC politics. You will see further examinations of the asset stripping work of Liberals as they seek another term to finish hollowing out British Columbia’s public wealth.

First, an explanation of where I’ve been and where I’m going.

A few months back, after correction of botched dental work, I experienced nerve inflammation affecting neck, shoulder, arm and hand. Intense discomfort meant use of strong medications, disturbed sleep and work interruption.

While waiting to consult a specialist, physiotherapy was the treatment. Luckily, a good PT evaluated the main problem as “laptop-itis” that resulted from long hours at the computer with poor spinal and arm positioning. Long periods using the machine guaranteed difficulties would result. Unsurprisingly, the solution was obvious. Sort of like: “To cure your headache, stop whacking it with a hammer.” I avoided computers for a while, then acquired a new desktop system and now use it for writing and research.

While my physical recovery is complete, free-time has been rare as family events and income producing work took priority. As much as I wish to focus on political commentary, In-Sights has no advertising revenue and is not financially self-sustaining. While the blog has enjoyed thousands of readers, only a tiny proportion contribute financially. Canadians pay about $10 billion a year to internet service providers but are reluctant to pay more to support the actual creation of content. This is a reality faced by all but a few authors of digital news and information.

The recent break from blogging will, I think, be a refresher and, in the four months leading up to BC’s 2017 election campaign, I will publish regular commentary. In the spring, after almost eight years researching and writing thousands of blog articles exploring this province’s current affairs, I will probably shift attention elsewhere. Events in the next few months will reveal the course most appropriate.

Categories: Blog Business

13 replies »

  1. I am aware myself of time and obligations pushing me around. As a result of my job being outsourced to e-commerce and my father getting sick, I have not done as much as I usually do. Of course on lead up to the provincial election I will likely become more involved, but as I will have to manage a company later, I will be commenting less. Either BC will change or it will be destroyed by a say everything, do nothing government.


  2. Great to have you back Norm. I was beginning to fear for your revival. I’d hate to think how bereft of information we’d be without you. The next four months are going to be interesting!


  3. So glad to hear that you are better! What an ordeal… I am sure that for many your absence emphasized how invaluable the work is that you have done here. This province needs your voice more than ever. I hope the new year brings continued improvement to your health.

    I second G. Barry’s challenge, too. Great idea. It’s the least we can do.


  4. Thanks Norm for your courage and brilliant investigative journalism in going after
    criminal government in BC.

    We believe that the biggest issues presently facing the people of BC with respect
    to the present governing party now seeking re-election are the massive dangers
    of allowing Fracking in BC which are much larger than poisoned aquifers, explosive
    pipelines and petrochemical pollution.

    The biggest potential man made catastrophe in North American history could result
    from the present government’s insane permittingof Fracking near to the Bennett Dam
    and Site C Dam.

    The whistleblowers on this latest BC Government madness were BC Hydro Safety Engineers
    and De Smog which published a great article explaining the massive catastrophic floods that
    would result from Fracking induced earthquake damage caused by the permitting of drilling near these dams by the present out of control BC Liberal LNG payoffs addicted Government.

    Other issues are the triple delete and FOI scandals and Ontario criminal charges against
    Christy Clark’s aides, the present influence peddling scandal being heard in BC Supreme Court, the criminal payoffs in the Malahat Steelhead LNG pipeline and the payoffs for on Reserve
    dumping of toxic waste, the illegally BC Government permitted Shawnigan Lake toxic waste dumping site and the poisoning of Shawnigan Lake, the Mt. Polley disaster and Lake poisoning
    and the arson and bridge attacks and the criminal fraud on the courts and theft of Pacific Rim Resort in Tofino whose property was stolen and is now brazenly owned by the BC Government.

    Government Whistleblowers are starting to surface as well testifying to frequent cocaine fueled
    parties and massive payoffs and bribes being paid to BC Natural Gas Ministry Managers and
    perhaps the Politicians as well for drilling rights for which little or no royalties are being paid.

    These scandals should demonstrate to anyone that the past BCL Government of Christy Clark
    is the most criminal, scandalous, deceitful, corrupt government ever in Canadian history.

    The BC Government politicians and civil servants involved deserve to be in jail, not put back into office, in our respectful submission, and these misdeeds must be brought out into the open and the guilty parties fired, criminally charged and hopefully fined and jailed.

    As it stands now it’s just more “delete, delete, delete” and more cover ups by this Government
    whose modus operandi is to take the payoffs and then: Deny, Deny, Deny!

    We have to say that the present BC Liberal Government of BC, now seeking re-election,

    It is the heart of darkness, plastered over by Christy Clark’s’ chipmunk smile and her LNG Lies!

    Norm, we hope and pray that you and every other political Blogger in BC comes after this gang
    of thieves and send them down to a massive defeat and hopefully criminal prosecution.

    As to an alternative.

    So far, it appears that there is none.

    We need a true BC Reform Party of honest BC Citizens.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good to hear from you, Norm. I suspect many of us have been worried (and others, liberally pleased) by your silence.

    And thanks for the reminder that you would appreciate some $ help in your efforts. I suspect there’s a bit of bystander effect going on, where many stand back, thinking SOMEONE will step up to help. Perhaps others don’t like sending funds through the internet.

    I’ll be sending mine today and challenge others to send in at least $10.

    Now let’s get on with holding some feet to the fire…


  6. I was getting very worried, but now some real news has returned!

    Even the “Eye” is not immune to health issues as I have been going to specialists all autumn; nothing too serious mind you!

    The pandering by the MSM with Premier Photo-op and Mayor Moonbeam is stomach churning.

    Real news is good news.


  7. So glad you are feeling better Norm. Your work is much appreciated. It is too bad that serious comment, research and or opposition on the part of ordinary voters is so draining. Draining of time, finances and ultimately health.
    Too bad the professional politicos currently running BC get to pontificate, spin and outright lie, while collecting a fat cheque + “benefits”.
    Whatever course you choose, for whatever reason, you remain an inspiration.
    Thanks for all you do.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.


  8. A very Happy New Year to you Norm. As mentioned above we all benefit from your work and your attention to detail. I am certain there will be plenty to write about. I certainly hope that you are able to avoid medication and can work pain free.
    I know I have missed your perspective and look forward to anything you write.


  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR! WELCOME BACK! glad you’re getting better. I’ve never given up my old desk top. Its just better to be sitting on my chair at my computer desk, like typing.

    I’m so happy you’re going to be writing leading up to the election. If the government does not change, well, people will have no one to blame but themselves. its just that kids don’t get to vote and they suffer the most.


  10. Welcome back. Your website has given me more “detailed” information over the years than anyone. Keep up the great work and I hope all is well. Thx


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