Methane Gas

Blog Talk Radio with Canadian Glen

Talk Talk Talk

This audio file is my extended conversation  with Canadian Glen on July 27. You can hear his earlier session with Merv Adey on BC politics HERE.

Friday morning I’ll be talking with John Moxon on Prince George’s CFIS93.1 FM at 10am about $7 billion in hidden subsidies to gas producers since 2007. This topic is also covered in conversation with Canadian Glen.

Categories: Methane Gas

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2 replies »

  1. Interesting and informative two hours, Norm. Now it will take another two hours (at least) to get my blood pressure down to where it was before tuning in.

    It will likely rise again during the night when I have a dream about Chris Gailus and the Global news crew following a bear chasing a coyote through your back yard.


    • Lou proves he was paying attention and listened to the whole thing. As I said in the session, old gents should be sitting in the shade sipping martinis. It should not be left to us to tell the public about multi-billion dollar scams by the province’s political grifters. There are many alleged journalists who are paid to do this work.


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