BC Hydro

Hopeful change?

Today, Premier Horgan gave Energy Minister Michelle Mungall a new job, replacing her with Bruce Ralston.

I am encouraged, anticipating (perhaps naively) that leadership of the department responsible for BC Hydro and natural gas production will be reclaimed from innonimate bureaucrats.

Mungall was a placeholder. After BC’s 2017 election, the incoming NDP intended to maintain BC Liberal energy policies. That required a compliant, non-activist minister who did not expect to influence management.

Ralston might be different. He was NDP finance critic when Gordon Campbell and friends were plundering the province a decade and more ago. Ralston criticized “pre-election fabrication” that resulted in broken promises and fractured policies.

Ralston is experienced, savvy, educated and competent.

It is to be determined whether or not he has license to do what is right to manage energy policies, or if he is charged with being only a more effective apologist for the status quo.

I hope for the best, but I’ve been fooled before on the NDP’s approach to these issues.

Regardless, only one of three MLAs affected by 2020’s first cabinet shuffle looks pleased by their new realities.

Categories: BC Hydro, Energy

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7 replies »

  1. I hope MLA Mungal lose her seat big time for the lowdown turn around she pulled on Site C. There are a lot of rotten things in politics, but that was one of the lowest. Hopefully that shameful display of hypocrisy.follows her right out the door.


  2. Ms. Mungall sure doesn’t look too happy in the photo. She’s got a better chance of winning as dog-catcher in the next election.


  3. My theory is that this switch was made to save Mungall’s Nelson seat. Her public reversal on Site C (see pre-election YouTube video of her “Paddle for the Peace” appearance) was just the warmup for being an obedient mouthpiece for the permanent government, which continued BC Liberal policies without missing a beat.

    Since the Greens have placed strong thirds in recent elections in this part of BC, the continued demotivation of any remaining greenish elements in the NDP electorate is going to make re-election prospects a bit close for her comfort next time. Best not to have her as the public face of LNG, fracking, massive provincial subsidies to Big Oil, and the slow-motion crack-up of BC Hydro.

    Dave Nikolejsin is still the DM at Energy & Mines, an office that he held under the Liberals, along with an interval as DM of the short-lived Ministry of LNG Fantasy.

    Ralston has no pre-politics record on any of this stuff, and will provide the reliably soporific presence that the government must be wanting on these files.

    Steady as she goes!

    Liked by 1 person

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