Climate Change

Record setting wildfire burns – updated

As of July 30, BC Wildfire Service is calling 2023 the worst year for land damaged by fire. In fact, with months to go in fire season, 15 percent more land has burned than in 2018, the second worst year BC has recorded. Three hundred and fifty-seven wildfires are burning on July 30, 188 of them out-of-control.

Note: 100 hectares equal 247.1 acres or 1 square kilometre.

2 replies »

  1. All the Carbon Tax’s in the world will not solve global warming, we need to take real steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    As no one is willing to deal with the real issues, these fires will become worse and worse.

    We have past the point of no return.


    • I’d agree about the carbon tax’s. it simply becomes the cost of doing business. They also impoverish a lot of low in come families. Governments aren’t going to give up carbon taxes because they rake in money without people thinking too deeply about their rising taxes. Don’t know of anyone who drives less due to the carbon taxes. People with little money don’t drive because its just another cost and between eating and housing its just too tough to pay for gas.

      Yes, the fires will become worse and worse. I’ve lived in this province since 1951. Forest fires were never this big or this frequent. Growing up, I saw one fire in Osooyos. Planes came in and that was the end of the fire.

      I’m sure there is a way to make vehicles more fuel efficient but its in no one’s financial interest to do that.

      then there is all the plastic around along with disposable clothing……..
      Its like humanity is slowly committing suicide. Its just that the kids don’t have much to say about it.


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