

The possibility of Corus Entertainment Inc. disappearing may astound people. However, there is a common pattern following intergenerational transfers of business interests. Reuter’s Chris Taylor reported:

The Shaw family’s initial wealth was created in southwestern Ontario. Francis Shaw (1896-198) began several businesses including Shawcor, a highly successful pipe coating enterprise. JR Shaw (1934-2020) worked for his father and moved to Edmonton where he formed Shawcor subsidiary Capital Cable Television Company. JR also developed a broadcasting segment. The Edmonton operation split from Shawcor and became Shaw Cablesystems Ltd., then Shaw Communications Inc.

JR Shaw served as CEO until replacement by his son Jim Shaw (1957-2018). Jim’s brother Brad became CEO in 2010. Using the name Corus, the company separated its media assets in 1998. After Rogers acquired Shaw’s telecommunication businesses, the Shaw family’s main interest was Corus Entertainment. JR Shaw’s daughter Heather serves as Board Chair.

Categories: Corus

1 reply »

  1. From my experience, the sons and daughters of wealthy parents tend to do poorly, with a few exceptions.

    If the daughters or sons marry wealth and maintain their wealthy status.

    If the children are quite bright and have a good work ethic.


    I have luck, being an only child I inherited wealth, in the form of a house and property. The assessed value of over $2 mil. The house is 60 years old and like me it creaks and leaks!

    I am trying to maintain the house and property for my children to pass along the “Luck”.

    My relatives have both married into money or have inherited money, thus maintaining wealth. Only two of my relative’s children are quite bright and have created wealth through shrewd business dealings and their children will benefit, as they have not married into wealth and depend on their parents largess to maintain their pretense of wealth. The rest will slowly decline into gentile poverty.

    So, there you have it. I believe this is true with all families.


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