BC Investment

Poo in the water — ethical pension fund investments not a priority

Over 40 percent of Thames Water, a troubled utility company in the United Kingdom, is owned by OMERS and BCI. These are two of Canada’s biggest public pension fund managers. The British utility is facing regulatory scrutiny and penalties for sewage leaks that require a financial bailout. Investors refused a request by Thames for more than £3 billion ($5.2 billion).

Ontario’s OMERS has written down its Thames investment to zero. Presumably, British Columbia’s BCI has done the same.

ESG investing means placing money in companies that score highly on environmental and societal responsibility metrics.

Not all fund managers take ESG seriously. They may value profits more than environmental protection. Salaries and bonuses depend on financial performance. Damage to people and property in far-off places may be just an unfortunate side effect.

Categories: BC Investment

4 replies »

  1. Pension fund managers have about as much ethical business dealings as one Mr. Trump. They are manipulators of cash and do not create wealth.


  2. Oh, yeah, i forgot…Calgary. No contingency for infrastructure, no resilience, no redundant capacity and the Stampede on the near horizon. Or Paris, poo in another river, monstrous boondoggle swimming in poo. “Civilization” is bass-ackwards, and it’s becoming obvious enough that perhaps even the shareholding class might want to sit up and take notice. But, no, I’m a pensioner and I get no say, and those who manage the pension plans are the same short-termers to be found on Howe Street, Bay Street, The City, the CAC 40 and all other seats of financial chicanery.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if an incoming Conservative government weren’t keen to point us in the same direction as their Tory counterparts in the UK. Sad days, particularly given that the Libs haven’t clearly signalled a desire to keep services in the commons.


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