
Corus Entertainment update

Days ago, I commented on the share price of the company that owns Canada’s Global Television Network and numerous broadcasting outlets in Vancouver and elsewhere. Stock in Corus Entertainment Inc. (TSE: CJR.B) that was once priced above $25 was trading last week for 24 cents a share.

The last few days have not been good for people invested in holding Corus. The stock closed at 15 cents on June 18, 2024.

In the quarterly report to February 2024, Corus reported almost $3 billion in assets and $465 million in equity. Market capitalization for the company’s stock was under $29 million on June 18, 2024.

CEO Doug Murphy, who earned $3.7 million in the last reported year, has been replaced.

Categories: Corus, Global TV

1 reply »

  1. CORUS, who listens anymore. Nothing more than nincompoops running around in their underwear, spreading gossip as it were the truth.

    What once was, is no more.

    Adios CKNW, I knew you well, but now you have become a stranger to me. I do not know them anymore, nor do i wish too.


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