Climate Change

Western Canada’s climate change actions are inadequate or illusory

Climate change actions of British Columbia and Manitoba are inadequate and the main efforts by Alberta and Saskatchewan to reduce greenhouse emissions are illusory. While provinces in central and eastern Canada have reduced harmful discharges, western provinces have done the opposite.

The great Canadian climate divide Barry Saxifrage, National Observer

That we are trending toward destruction seems clear. A vast majority of active climate scientists agree that human activities are causing climate change and we must alter today’s behaviour to protect future generations.

The task before us is to convince a majority of Western Canadians that decarbonization policies of our governments must be revised.

ScienceNordic is a journalism project by Norwegian and Danish organizations. It published an article by Catherine Jex that reported on ways to build the collective will of our communities to deal effectively with climate issues:

Co-benefits of climate action are proven, particularly in relation to public health and the economy. Climate policy objectives include:

  • Improved health and human well-being,
  • Protection of wildlife and natural ecosystems,
  • Abundant, affordable clean energy,
  • Efficient energy use,
  • Non-destructive employment,
  • Sustainable communities.

Some people argue that while Canada emits more greenhouse gases than 180 or so nations of the world, regions with much higher populations have even larger carbon footprints. That’s like excusing theft of $10,000 because someone else stole $50,000. Not a reasonable position.

“I don’t know what word in the language… applies to people of that kind who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organized human life… so they can put a few more dollars in highly overstuffed pockets.” – Noam Chomsky

Categories: Climate Change

3 replies »

  1. Even people who acknowledge the climate crisis carry on as usual, consuming and travelling as they always have, money permitting. It’s like they put the climate thing in a box and nod at it every now and then, but that’s it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You want to fight climate change, you must completely change how people travel. We are not, nor has government the appetite to do so.

    Rubber on asphalt politics wins yet again.


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