
Breaking news from the DFO

Statement from the Federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Keith Ashfield, on Negative Infectious Salmon Anaemia Test Results in British Columbia Salmon

“After Canada’s reputation has needlessly been put at risk over the past several weeks because of speculation and unfounded science, additional in-depth, conclusive tests, using proper and internationally recognized procedures, are now underway to confirm our previous decision that there has never been a confirmed case of ISA in BC salmon, wild or farmed.

“Because DFO and independent Canadian and European scientists have only produced unacceptable findings while testing for the infectious salmon anemia virus, Fisheries and Oceans Canada commissioned an Asian team of experts to provide the needed results. Unfortunately, due to a serious medical setback, the new scientific team has delayed submission of its final report. Their dear leader died from physical and mental overwork as he was travelling to offer field guidance to his workers.

“Nevertheless, despite being incomparably anguished, scientists working on our project swiftly hailed their new leader as a respectable comrade, a great successor and an eminent authority able to ensure the important work will be completed as desired by this Ministry.”

Careful scientific observations detect no ISA virus among farmed salmon

Categories: Fishery, Smile

10 replies »

  1. Thanks Lew. I hoped to draw a few smiles but, more than that, recognition that when our government and its bureaucrats wage war on truth, they behave in the style of Korea's dictatorship.


  2. Hilarious, Norm. First time I’ve heard death described as a serious medical setback.

    Unfortunately, the observation by the appropriately nicknamed “Con” (focus on the headlines) Riley of the CFIA to the effect that people only read or remember the headlines seems to apply to some of your readers.

    You may be on to something, though. The dear leader’s son will undoubtedly employ the same PR tactics as his daddy, which happen to mesh perfectly with those used by the DFO and CFIA. The transition will be seamless. And unlike his daddy, who learned to walk at three weeks, invented the hamburger, and shot eleven holes in one on his first round of golf, he isn’t terrified to fly. He can get here quickly by aircraft rather than taking the train from North Korea. That trip is a bitch.

    What the heck; if it doesn’t work out, he and his crew look to have a promising career in jacket modeling.


  3. I hope someone knows how to inform the Japanese and the Chinese that BC salmon, farmed or wild, are no longer certifiably ISAV free.


  4. I think the new scientific team is smiling because they are very happy…that on-land closed containment fish farming model they are observing in the photo is working well.


  5. WHAT? The DFO doesn't have any confidence in its own scientists or other independent and respected Canadian scientists? It's not Canada's reputation that's been put at risk Mr. Ashfield- it's your reputation Mr. Ashfield and the reputation of your predecessor Gail Shea, and the reputation of your milquetoast DFO underlings Mr. Ashfield. It's the reputation of the, Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the BC Salmon Farmers Association that's at risk Mr. Ashfield. It's the reputation of the BC Liberal government, as sullied as that may be, that's at risk Mr. Ashfield, and the reputation of anyone else who has who has turned a blind eye to the deleterious effects of salmon farming.

    “Because DFO and independent Canadian and European scientists have only produced unacceptable findings while testing for the infectious salmon anemia virus, Fisheries and Oceans Canada commissioned an Asian team of experts to provide the needed results.”

    Let me get this straight Mr. Ashfield; you don't get the results you want from our own home-grown scientists, so you commission an Asian team of scientists to provide you with the “needed” results. I wonder what the “needed” results are likely to be coming from a team of scientists hailing from a very lucrative and burgeoning marketplace? Based on Stats Canada data Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are among Canada's top ten salmon markets. In 2010 Japan alone purchased $70.6 million dollars worth of Canadian salmon with a growth of 119% from 2007 to 2010. China purchased $9.1 million with a growth of 120% from 2007 to 2010. Hong Kong purchased $4.7 million with a growth of 292% over the same time period, while Taiwan purchased only $2.2 million dollars in 2010 and a decline in growth of -38% over the same time period.

    Just askin'. Just sayin'. Just kinda dubious all things considered.


  6. They should be focusing on the fish, the oceans, and the long-term health of the fisheries, but all they're doing is PR spin focused on “reputation”.


  7. Good God and I thought it could not get any worse!

    There is talk that the US government may take unilateral action and send the navy in to sterilize our entire coastal open pen fish farms.

    Has it come to this? Has Harper openly goading the USA to take action?

    We are living in a surreal world, where the lunatics, the madmen, pseudo Nazi's have taken over. Canada is where perverted science is taken for real; where democracy has been stomped into the ground; where morals do not exist.

    Welcome to Harper's Canada.


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