3 replies »

  1. CBC is making it harder and harder to continue to defend it against the Harper government and their desire to dismantle it. I'm sorry Grandpa. I tried to carry on your fight to keep the CBC, but it's just not the organization that it used to be.


  2. There is something else to consider; by having the CBC administration here in BC ignoring the ruling from the CBC ombudsman, this bolsters the argument that Harper and his cronies have for dismantling the CBC budget.

    The lassé faire attitude demonstrated by Smart’s peers in the media, in particular the responses from Good, Baldrey, Palmer, does not help to diminish the ruling and actually goes a long way to adding to the problem.

    It could play right into the argument that Harper has; “Well look at the CBC. The CBC Ombudsman makes a ruling on conflict and the administration ignores the ruling which brings the entire national network into disrepute…Oh the CBC are completely out of control; they can’t even control their own employees and the entire operation should be dismantled”….. blah blah blah…you know…

    This is what I meant the other day when I stated that Smart, by remaining in this position he is doing considerable damage to his own career and reputation.


  3. We've seen the reaction from the public on the Billion Dollar BC Hydro's Smart meter program, how about having a CBC Smart “meter” here?

    Should CBC recant, and be smart by moving Smart to a different portfolio? Yes No


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