Methane Gas

Theocratic British Columiba

We’ve known for a while that Christy Clark mixes religion and politics. Shortly before the 2013 election, she campaigned before an evangelical group at the private Vancouver Club and in 2015, Clark’s Government gifted her church in downtown Vancouver with one million tax dollars.

The Premier is not merely a Sunday morning Christian; her government is guided by biblical principles such as this:

2 Corinthians 9:6

He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

The proverb’s first element is proven by treatment of people with disabilities. Needy citizens among them waited nine years for an increase in assistance rates, then found much of it clawed back by reductions in transportation subsidies. According to Elections BC records for the last decade, Disability Alliance BC and similar groups donated not a single dollar to BC Liberals.

As for the second element, clearly, Premier Clark’s many financial supporters in Western Canada’s oil and gas industry have seen biblical prophecy fulfilled. They contributed millions and gained back billions.

15 months gas sales

15 Months in Each Premier’s Term

Categories: Methane Gas

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