BC Hydro

Dr. Harry Swain speaks

Harry Swain, a former federal deputy minister, was Chair of the federal and provincial Site C Joint Review Panel. He has strong views about the project and about financial reports issued by BC Hydro.

On June 8, Dr. Swain appeared on CFAX with Pamela McCall (audio is linked below). In most jurisdiction, the allegation of “accounting chicanery” at a multi-billion dollar crown corporation, made by a highly respected professional, would draw attention of corporate media’s political pundits. However, this is British Columbia and BC Liberals and business friends have put great effort into buying media silence.



For additional detail, read Christy Clark’s Dangerous Site C Propaganda War by Emma Gilchrist, writing at Desmog Canada. An excerpt:

Imagine a scenario where a government creates a make-work project to build a road to nowhere. More than two thousand workers are industriously building that road to nowhere (being paid with your tax dollars) when an election is held. Would it be fiscally responsible for a new government to continue paying those workers to build a road to nowhere? Or would it be more responsible for the new government to assess whether that road may ever be useful and, if not, stop building it so it can spend that money on things like schools and hospitals?

Dr. Eoin Finn, MBA, PhD, is a retired partner of an international consulting firm. He was interviewed for CBC’s On the Coast with Stephen Quinn.

Categories: BC Hydro

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4 replies »

  1. This is a very good example of why the BCUC review proposed and promised by John Horgan will not take nearly as long as Vaughn Palmer and his peers are propagating. Buying media will not work in that forum.

    If it would, we would no doubt see Palmer, Baldrey, and Shaw appear as witnesses.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. CFAX’s Adam Sterling had Jordan Bateman (representing the Independent Builders) is in support of the Site C dam “for the jobs that will be lost if the project stops.” Jordan didn’t mention whether he still represents the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.
    It was a desperate attempt that makes Jordan appear as if he is in the tentacle/testicle octopus grasp of Christy Clark.
    Christy is likely conjuring up a potion that will place a pox on the wellness of the NDP/Green MLA’s romance. (“It smelled like turpentine and looked like India ink” …Love Potion Number Nine.)
    Christy believes in magic, miracles and unicorns.


    The Financial Post is continuing to spew its poison on the rest of Canada regarding the review of Site C Dam and Kinder Morgan.


    Liked by 1 person

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