

With which group will Justin Trudeau identify? This one?

demo 2

Or, this one?


Credit: Bob Mackin,

A busload of people attending Vancouver’s small pro-pipeline rally were brought in from Alberta. After deducting those dedicated folks, curious onlookers, organizers and a handful of media, the crowd count barely made it beyond double digits. Sponsored by fossil fuel and extractive industries, the rally was held on a busy plaza near Vancouver’s inner harbour, one of the places in British Columbia and Washington put at greater risk if dilbit shipments increase.

Paltry attendance in downtown Vancouver didn’t discourage corporate media from giving the rally almost equal coverage with the event that drew thousands to Kinder Morgan’s Burnaby terminal.

Those protesters must wonder if Trudeau’s Paris commitment to have Canada address climate change was authentic. He said:

Today, with my signature, I give you our word that Canada’s efforts will not cease. Climate change will test our intelligence, our compassion and our will. But we are equal to that challenge.

Was Trudeau’s commitment to a new and respectful relationship with First Nations another rehearsed line of meaningless political theatre? He said:

Last year, I committed to a renewed relationship with Indigenous Peoples, one based on the recognition of rights, respect, co-operation, and partnership. The failure of successive Canadian governments to respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canada is our great shame… We now have before us an opportunity to deliver true, meaningful and lasting reconciliation between Canada and First Nations, the Métis Nation, and Inuit peoples.

Justin Trudeau, 2016 version:

Even though governments grant permits, ultimately, only communities grant permissions…

8 replies »

  1. Even some of my First Nations friends have brought up an interesting item, which of course the media has completely missed or chosen to. Why did Trudeau effectively condone the stopping of Energy East by respecting the wishes of Quebec, Ontario & First Nations, while giving the proverbial Salmon Arm Salute to the FN people of BC? A FN friend from the 6 nations in Ontario pointed out this obvious double standard, and says many in the east of FN descent are picking up on this as well. I’d be amazed if a few BC MP’s are not quaking in their boots about the upcoming election and their chances for re-election, like the Justice Minister. Lots of disillusioned FN people in BC these days.


  2. Banking crisis? What banking crisis?

    “China, Canada and Hong Kong are among the economies most at risk of a banking crisis, according to early-warning indicators compiled by the Bank for International Settlements.

    Canada — whose economy grew last year at the fastest pace since 2011 — was flagged thanks to its households’ maxed-out credit cards and high debt levels in the wider economy.”

    Could this have anything to do with our speculation and money-laundering fueled real estate bubble?


  3. Is BC Ferries Dumpster Fire #3?

    “In 2003 the BC Liberals turned BC Ferries from a Crown corporation into a private, taxpayer subsidized company with an American CEO. This was supposed to make for less financial drama and happier customers. It’s been the opposite ever since, given a spiral of hiked fares suppressed ridership, debt grew to billions, and ferry dependent communities suffered significant hardship,” a commission found.”


    117 BC Liberal Falsehoods, Boondoggles and Scandals: The Complete List

    Note: this is a long article.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. If I was a handler of Jagmeet Singh I would send him out west now. If he really wants to be a leader of a party, and become prime minister of Canada then it’s time to act. He needs to take the NDP to the left. He must put Notley and Horagan together in the same room and change the course of history, All three must declare the NDP will look after the environment, meet Canada,s Paris accord comimitment, and take on CAAP. If all three parties agreed to stick together, and work on solutions, such as a new refinery in Canada to refine the bithium here, and send it east and west, make the country more self sufficient in oil, maybe go as fas as nationalizing the oil like Tredeau senior did with Petro Can. Now that would be a sure signal there is a new kid in town and the other two parties can fight over which one can be bought first by big oil and the corporations. I think Canadians are ready for the big change, Take on CAAP. Respect the First Nations, do all the things Justin has refused to do because he can not turn his back on his money bags

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Trudeau The Younger has shown himself as nothing more than a photo-opping puppet of the Liberal party.

    He talks in platitudes and bureaucratic platitudes, which have no meaning; empty.

    He delves in classic Trudeau speak, but lacks the drive and intelligence of his father. The only reason Trudeau was elected BM, was his father’s name; a change of Canada’s electoral system and the evil Herr Harper, whose poisonous reign has infected Canada with evangelical Trumpism.

    Trudeau will side with who the Liberal party tells him to side. He is a puppet (with terrible fashion sense), which the wealthy pull his strings.

    Future generations, if there are future generations will shake their heads at the complete imbecilic Trudeau and the ossified Liberal party. They will shudder at the Trumpism of the Conservatives and mildly retch at the NDP. For such a great Country, Canada has fallen victim to a broken colonial electoral system, successfully manipulated by the elites.

    We must blame ourselves and no one else.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Thank you so much Norm! Collectively we shall overcome. We will move ahead in spite of Ottawa’s insistence on staying with their corporate sponsors. We will keep drumming into our elected officials that Mother Nature is “Priority One.” We will not let future generations down.

    Liked by 1 person

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