Climate Change

Politicians suspend knowledge and common sense, scientists do not

Provincial and federal politicians talk about Canada being carbon neutral at some distant time, but continue using direct and indirect subsidies to promote higher production of fossil fuels. They pretend that this country’s oil, gas, and coal may impact global climate if consumed here, but will not if burned elsewhere.

Exporting fossil fuels make them even worse for the climate. LNG is said to be a desirable bridge fuel but it involves hazardous air pollutants associated with upstream production and requires vast amounts of energy for decontamination, gasification and storage at -162℃. International transportation, regasification, and distribution add further environmental costs.

Dr. Joe Hanson is a science educator based in Austin, TX.

Categories: Climate Change

2 replies »

  1. Thanks for this posting Norm. One possible reason for the avoidance of reality by politicians is fear.
    By not forcing the Canadian commercial banks to confront their compromised toxic asset base in 2008 the government signalled the public’s willingness to act as unpaid risk insurer. CMHC gave temporary home to $125 billion of non preforming bank assets or ones that they could not find a near par value bid for.
    Bankers processed this method of salvation then. This salvation offered again in 2019 and re=enforced by the Bank of Canada establishing the “Standing Term Liquidity Facility” as of March , 2020.
    Fear of triggering commercial bank insolvency is an attention getter so better to kick the can down the road with the use of taxpayer bailout tricks. What can be expected when the BoC is at anytime seller and buyer of bonds (quantitative easing).


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