Climate Change

Climate change denial, indifference, concern

Climate change denial is based on prioritizing consumerism and wealth accumulation over human health and survival
Climate change indifference is based on false hope, inattention, or ignorance
Frontiers: How Hope and Doubt Affect Climate Change Mobilization
PBS: How your brain stops you from taking climate change seriously
IN-SIGHTS: Why people aren’t motivated to address climate change
Climate change concern is based on altruism and science

Scientists have known for some time, from multiple lines of evidence, that humans are changing Earth’s climate, primarily through greenhouse gas emissions. Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

Environmental Research\

Categories: Climate Change

3 replies »

  1. I wonder how much CO2 is released when Musk launches his rockets to give his rich clients a quick thrill ride into space. Stuff like this has to stop.


  2. Yes he has his detractors but the problem being addressed in the article might put the power for change back in the hands of the voter. BC had PR before them sometime ago but decided it was not the right path for a truer practise of democracy.

    It may be one of the few tools we could enact and should reconsider in our fight to get the government to move on the climate file.

    The current democratic model practised in BC and Federally is obviously broken.


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