Climate Change

Collapse of modern society

University of Manchesters Dr. Kevin Anderson is a visiting researcher in the Department of Earth Sciences at Sweden’s Uppsala University. Anderson warns that continuing on our current path will result in a catastrophic outcome due to climate change.

He cautions against believing the political rhetoric about progress and says the concept of NET-ZERO really means NOT-ZERO. He asserts the commonly used expression is cover for an unacceptable plan to kick the can down the road.

Emission trading is scheme to avoid meaningful action and, according to international business consultants Deloitte, has been subject to fraud, misstatement and the involvement of organised crime:

Carbon credit fraud


Carbon offsets are a scam
Voluntary carbon offsets are headed for a crash

Climate change denial is well funded:

The Dirty Dozen: The Biggest Nonprofit Funders of Climate Denial

We understand that deniers gaining direct or indirect material wealth from fossil fuels are reluctant to see change. But those people are an insignificant number of the world’s eight billion, and a tiny segment of actual climate scientists.

Politics, cash, fame: what motivates climate change deniers

Dr. Kevin Anderson expects we will fail to deal effectively with climate change and says humans collectively are choosing to fail:

The Doomsday Clock

Categories: Climate Change

6 replies »

  1. Kevin Anderson says the push for change has to come from the grassroots.

    Today we hear of a win in court by youthful environmental litigants in Montana, of all places. We’ll see how much traction it gets — but it’s a start.

    If Norm will allow links to news sources via his site 🙂

    As well: the ‘villainous’ Bill Gates is causing confusion amongst the coal-loving Wyoming folk by building a new-age nuclear plant in a town that has a large coal-fired generator that is on its way out.

    “Maybe Bill’s not so bad after all…” say the people who previously had a chip on their shoulders… or wherever Bill was implanting them. 😉


  2. I agree with all the comments and the post. I don’t see how the criminal involvement or the lack of value gained by government carbon taxes is the fault of the taxes or the credits. I would say that it is more a sign of government and police unwillingness to pursue a better outcome. When the government absconds with the money for general revenue rather than putting it towards positive climate relief actions, or when the police don’t crack down on law breaking organizations fraud, it is a problem we have with all of them.

    There are means of verification, there are people and organizations that are determined to cut back on their emissions or to sequester carbon in trees or soil. For me the question is how to get past the avarice that tries to short circuit the process.


  3. The Carbon Tax is a big part of climate change denial. It does nothing, while at the same time enriches the government coffers.

    Real action is not happening; real change is nonexistent.


  4. I do believe that smart researcher is on to something. thank you for this post.

    Over the years we have read all about how one company trades this off set or what ever and its going to save the world or the environment, but really just didn’t get it. Just because A is planting trees so B can continue with their destructive ways and business does help us at all. We still have B polluting rivers, land and climate change. Always wondered how that was going to help. Now there is a nice researcher saying it doesn’t.

    Corporations are not ever going to willingly give up money or power and control. When we aging baby boomers were in school we learnt about the Magna Carta and those other 1%ers forced the then king to give up some of his powers. It was one of those situations where it was make a compromise or die. I figured out then, that in our western society that is the way things changed and it was no different today than it was back in England’s history. I’d already learnt about politics at about age 10.

    Carbon taxes are not making enough change fast enough and its a great way for governments to obtain more tax money. I’ve been in agreement with carbon taxes but lately I’ve come away from that because they have gotten so high it does impact people’s standard of living — they have to go to work, they have to go to the doctor, etc. If the tax goes up with all the other things going up, people will be going to the food bank more often then they are currently. Yet the person with the money and lots of it can still get on their private jet and go to their next meeting or vacation no problem. Run their boats and pollute lakes, take their all terrain vehicles up the mountain, etc.

    Perhaps it is time that non necessary things are taxed while leaving personal vehicles alone or give people a quota. Do cabinet ministers really need to use government jets? NO. It’s convenient but that is about it. I can understand the P.M. taking a private jet but the rest, not so much and that includes premiers.

    I remember when WAC Bennett gave all members of the Leg. priority passes for B.C. Ferries. That did not go over well. Now they can all take the heli jet or whatever. Perhaps they should all be required to take B.C. Ferries to get to Victoria. Hey its much more environmental.

    As a starter to improve things when it comes to climate change is stop permitting American trains with coal coming into our country to be exported via Delta Port. Its not our coal, its bad for the environment and it doesn’t gain us much, O.K. the company’s rail system is probably still making money. American longshore workers Union won’t handle the stuff because its that bad for the environment. Having seen these trains in the Interior of the province, yikes. why are we enabling these corporations. Why let the american coal companies and China’s corporations make things worse? All we get is kids with health problems.


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