Climate Change

Dangerous distraction

A key element of Canada’s future climate policy is carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). This country’s federal government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to advance the commercial viability of CCUS technologies.

Despite what critics say about CCUS, it is working as intended for fossil fuel producers. CCUS is not a solution, it is a distraction. The aim is to justify continued production of carbon rich energy.

Dr. Philip E. Mason produces YouTube videos under the pseudonym Thunderf00t. He regularly uses science to dispute claims of people and organization placing self interest ahead of the public interest.

Categories: Climate Change

5 replies »

  1. Al Gore deals with the fallacy of carbon capture & storage very well in this TED talk video. No question it is a distraction by the oil & gas industry to justify the continuation of producing their product.


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