Civil Rights

Organized hate groups on our streets

Gonzaga University is often recognized for basketball, but the 135-year-old Spokane institution is also known for academic initiatives. One is the Journal of Hate Studies, an annual peer-reviewed publication by Gonzaga’s Center for the Study of Hate:

Fomenting prejudice or hostility against others is worth attention today after organized hate groups took to the streets of Canada to demand that human rights should not be universal. Bigots believe that individual rights are a finite resource and that rights enjoyed by some result in loss of freedoms for others. These people hold views that have ceased to be accepted by the vast majority.

PBS Frontline reported on studies showing that intolerant persons with homophobic attitudes share a number of attributes. Typically, these people are:

  • Less likely to have had personal contact with others having lifestyles different than their own;
  • More likely to have resided in regions where negative attitudes are the norm;
  • More likely to subscribe to fundamentalist religious ideology;
  • More likely to hold restrictive attitudes about sex and more likely to manifest guilt or negativity about sexuality;
  • More likely to support high levels of authoritarianism and related personality characteristics;
  • More likely to be older and less well educated.

A paper written by Dr. Ellen Faulkner, now of Thompson Rivers University, was published in the Journal of Hate Studies. She reported on a long history of Canadian intolerance:

Another paper about Canada is found in the Gonzaga Center for the Study of Hate. Academics Bessma Momani and Ryan Deschamps wrote Canada’s Right-Wing Extremists: Mapping their Ties, Location, and Ideas:

Canada’s Right-Wing Extremists: Mapping their Ties, Location, and Ideas

In the 21st century, Canada is different than it once was. Most of us are proud of diversity and egalitarianism in our country. We value those qualities. Demonstrations by bigots with pertinacious resistance to change will not alter that fact.

Categories: Civil Rights

5 replies »

  1. And then there’s THIS story from today, about a “whites only” moms & tots group in the Coquitlam area:

    “Escape ‘forced diversity’ and join other proud parents of European children as we create an atmosphere in which our kids feel like they belong.”

    While the signs will be removed, the sentiment will not be. I wouldn’t surprised if the group will form in secret and find a space that will let them meet. That won’t be in a school or library — but perhaps in the corner of a white-friendly warehouse. Hopefully, they will be found and exposed.

    On the other hand, as a soccer referee, I’ve seen ‘select’ youth teams that are 100% Indo-Canadian. I’m not sure if non-South-Asian players were weeded out, or if they’ve self-edited themselves from registering in “that” association… Regardless, the teams don’t have the ‘look’ that one would expect in a diverse Canadian society.


    • Hope that is not the case, but it might be something the soccer league could investigate and use its influence to encourage diversity.


  2. The hate has always been there, its just that people feel more free to express it openly now. With things such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. it is easier for “haters” to communicate with each other and to draw more into their web of hate. for some it gives them the sense that the world is against them and this group excepts them, they encite each other, etc.

    Was just reading an article regarding, “banking while Black”. Reminds me of the case where the VPD handcuffed an Indigenous Grandfather and his 12 year old Granddaughter. Like who the hell handcuffs a 12 year old girl?

    When society ignores “the little things” the big things take over. The line about 31% of Canadians supported keeping Canada “white”, whatever the hell that means, is shocking. It almost makes me laugh. Most of those people would not consider Indigenous People “white”, so where would they go? There are people who came to Canada to escape slavery in the U.S.A. Their descendants have been in Canada a lot longer than most “white Canadians”. Some African Americans came to B.C. and they built one of the first schools in B.C. on Salt Spring Island.

    Then of course they would have to decide who is “white”. South Africa tried that as did the U.S.A. Doesn’t work. These racists need to get a grip. Caucasions are in the minority in this world. While “whites” were running about Europe in almost prehistoric times, there were people of colour living in amazing cities with culture, writing, agriculture, had medical knowledge Europeans didn’t get for hundreds of years. etc.


  3. Case on Point – “The Further Society drifts from the truth, the more it will HATE those that speak it!!!” The quote is appropriate to this article and is usually attributed to George Orwell. Surprise, it isn’t. In a situation that is eerily reflective of the matters raised in your article, Norm, it was in fact coined by Selwyn Duke, a freelance writer who describes himself as a “teller of Truth and leftists’ worst nightmare”. Further research states that Mr. Duke “coined” the phrase when describing the banning of Michael Savage who wrote a book with the following title: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.

    I often thought that using the word “hate” in a quote attributed to George Orwell was in itself dystopian and wondered in what context Orwell would have used that phrase. Turns out he didn’t. How are we supposed to “change our course to a better world” if a quote that is widely attributed to protecting “liberalism” was originally written to defend the behaviour of a right wing fascist?


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