Climate Change

Canada is one of the world’s leaders

Canada a world leader? Sometimes that headline is good news. This time it is not.

Unless every voter demands governments and industries stop dishonest greenwashing and take climate change more seriously, nothing will change. If nothing changes, humanity is at risk.

Greenwashing presents a significant obstacle to tackling climate change. By misleading the public to believe that a company or other entity is doing more to protect the environment than it is, greenwashing promotes false solutions to the climate crisis that distract from and delay concrete and credible action.

Greenwashing – the deceptive tactics behind environmental claims

Categories: Climate Change

7 replies »

  1. Twenty-five percent of the “natural” gas used by Canada (2.3 million cubic feet) per day is used by fossil fuel companies in Alberta to produce the dirty oil they’ll be shipping to pollute the world through the $30 billion pipeline Trudeau bought them with our money.



  2. Most people still think natural gas is clean energy..well, cleaner than heating with oil.
    In fact, my understanding is that NG is much higher in methane and sulphur.
    The marketing ploy in selling NG has been going on for around sixty years. Many of us grew up with that idea engrained.


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