
Canada profiting from death and destruction

This country was once known as a peacemaker and peacekeeper. Now it is better known for selling instruments of death and destruction. As occurs in other sectors, profit-seeking arms dealers are either amoral or immoral. In this ProPublica article, Canada is mentioned 26 times.

Categories: International

2 replies »

  1. That company received $75M to create things to kill people with???? Did they ever pay anywhere near that in taxes?

    if the feds had the money to give some company of death $75M I’d like B.C. or any province to receive the same amount to pay for an increase in affordable housing. I’m sure the Territories wouldn’t mind $75M for health care either.”

    Letting Turkey into E.U. starter club was just plain dumb. They have never been a friend of European countries. As to joining NATO, sure but might as well mail all military secrets to Putin directly along with China and North Korea. 

    I’ve always suspected Turkey was given a step up so as to have them within the fold, and as a barrier to Russia. However, that was not smart. Turkey is not a democracy. Their leader for life, just isn’t up to the job of running a democracy. For that matter, if Orban gets any worse, dump Hungary also.


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