
BC NDP sanctioned destruction

The Narwhal reports that “Arno Kopecky is an environmental journalist and author based in Vancouver. His reportage has spanned four continents, ranging from Iceland’s attempt at becoming the first oil-free country on earth to the impact of resource extraction in the Amazon basin. For the past ten years, his primary focus has been the confluence of climate change and Indigenous Rights.”

A transcript of his words in the video is below the separator.

Squamish, I think it’s this incredible place that was totally devastated by a century of industrial extraction. You name it, mining, logging, fishing.

And then that chilled out about 20 years ago and it’s been slowly coming back. And just at the moment of this tenuous recovery is when we’re thinking about plopping this huge Woodfibre LNG project in there that would ramp up tanker traffic. And that introduces a whole level of acoustic interruption with especially orcas and other whales that are just starting to make a comeback into Howe Sound.

And that’s even before we mention climate change and the contribution of liquefied natural gas to climate change at precisely the moment when the world needs to be and is transitioning away from fossil fuels.

The timing just really couldn’t be worse on any number of levels.

You know, we’re living at a time when ecosystems are crashing all over the place and this happens to be a place where there is still salmon and herring and whales and orcas and humpbacks and seals and sea otters, all the stuff that’s coming up.

It’s tenuous, it’s fragile. But it’s still here, and in a lot of places on Earth that’s not the case. They’ve already lost their ecosystem.

You can’t just be a passive bystander in the story of ecological collapse anymore. This story is coming for all of us.

There are a million ways to get involved, but I think the first step is to decide that you want to be a part of this struggle.

Once you decide that, then suddenly avenues of engagement start to appear. You will find that you are not alone, and there are a lot of people who are already working on this.

My Sea To Sky is a people-powered environmental organization that was founded in 2014 to defend, protect, and restore Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

Categories: Environment, LNG

3 replies »

  1. I am very disappointed with one group that could have stopped this in its tracks.The Squamish Nation. so much for them telling us they are the keepers of their territory. Throw some money at them and all is good!


  2. Just when we thought it was safe to go back into the water, along comes LNG. So much for the swim and the fish and the other marine life. It isn’t as if the LNG is for our use or needed to keep our country afloat. Its for export and I’ve never seen a reason to ruin our enviornment so corporations can profit and other countries can continue to pollute the world. ENOUGH. what are the people of B.C. getting out of this LNG except perhaps more cancer again.


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