
Accuracy of information act?

An article by Ben Parfitt was published in Policy Note, a blog by the BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). Parfitt reports that while the BC Government is promising protection of ancient forests, senior bureaucrats are instead protecting low-value scrub and permitting logging of high-value old-growth trees.

While British Columbia has the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, we need an Accuracy of Information Act. There should be sanctions when Ministers and Ministries make promises to the public while they work in secret to achieve the opposite.

Excerpts from Parfitt’s writing:

Categories: Forestry

2 replies »

  1. It is indeed infuriating to watch politicians and government bureaucrats lying with impunity. Vote one set of fabricators out, and another set seamlessly starts misleading the public. How most of these characters live with themselves is beyond me.

    It’s also somewhat demoralizing to realize that expecting those same politicians and government bureaucrats to enact legislation that will sanction themselves for something they know virtually every one of them and exactly every government will certainly do on a daily basis is naivety writ large.

    One thing I know to be a fact. Norm is not naive. I must therefore conclude that he is pulling our collective leg.

    Liked by 1 person

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